First Responders

First Responder Specialized Planning

First Responder Specialized Planning

First responders are the first line of safety for the community. They inherently take on higher risk than your average worker. Because of this, secure financial planning is imperative.

In your line of work, there are unnecessary financial pressures that lead many to accept voluntary overtime or seek off-duty jobs. You can make smarter financial decisions and allow your money to work harder for you by putting a solid comprehensive plan in place. The following can put you on the path toward financial wellness:


Budgeting doesn’t have to be a tedious exercise, nor does it need to cause strain in the family cash flow. Once completed, a budget can relieve financial stress as you will be proactively moving your money with your goals in mind. MacTavish Financial has easy-to-use budgeting software that will allow you to see all your account balances in one centralized location without having to log into multiple websites. This process will prioritize paying off high interest debt, funding an emergency cash reserve, and investing toward savings goals and retirement.

Insurance Planning

First Responders have a higher risk of injury and death than most other workers. Unfortunately, there are often gaps in first responder’s insurance coverage. A full analysis is performed to determine if ample coverage is in place in case a health emergency should occur. Disability, Life, and Health insurances are all offered by your departments. Supplemental coverage is offered outside of the department and sometimes needed.

Homeowners and Auto Insurance as well as Long-Term Care coverage is also reviewed.

Retirement Planning

Most First Responders are automatically enrolled in the retirement pension plan. While this is a great benefit, it may fall short of funding your full retirement. This can be the case if you do not plan to work as a First Responder until age 65 or transition to a second career after earning full pension.

Funding a retirement account, outside your pension, is an essential component of retirement planning. Starting early is another key. The earlier you start, the less you must save to reach your retirement goals due to compounding interest. Compound interest occurs when interest earned is added to the principal, so that it also earns interest.

Investment Planning

Our first priority is helping you take care of yourself and your family. We want to learn more about your personal situation, identify your dreams and goals, and understand your tolerance for risk. Long-term relationships that encourage open and honest communication have been the cornerstone of my foundation of success.

Estate Planning

Our first priority is helping you take care of yourself and your family. We want to learn more about your personal situation, identify your dreams and goals, and understand your tolerance for risk. Long-term relationships that encourage open and honest communication have been the cornerstone of my foundation of success.

Take the First Step

Take control and set yourself on the path to Financial Freedom.
Contact MacTavish Financial today to see what you can accomplish.

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